afghan ruby

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  • $363.64
  • Regular price $4,090.91

afghan ballas  rubys have been coveted  since time began, exclusively for royalty ,just 100 years ago possessing these beautiful  stones once meant death..  found world wide in tombs from chinese emperors, the pharohs, and even the burried  roman ruins in Pompeii,  its even recorded that alexander the great even lusted for these unique rubys and detoured his entire army to secure them

this translucent glowing hot pink ruby colour changes to deep blood red in the sun. these are unique stones known as  ballas ruby is from balashkhan  mines bordering afghanistan/  tajikistan. completely natural and untreated this glowing stone is a beautiful example of natural ruby .a great investment as real stones bevome even rarer. This gorgeous stone full of character   the fingerprinting and flaws are  you have a real stone not a man made worthless fake  that you pay more money for than a real stone